Training, empowering, exchanging best practices for staff.
Our project also focuses on providing health care professionals with precious information and useful tools to improve assistance and support to victims.
This set of activities aims to strengthen medical and psychosocial care for victims of hate crimes in the health system. At the end of its activities, it should have provided training to medical and social staffs and students on hate crimes through an intersectoral approach and the availability of tools for students and staff at health system institutions regarding hate crimes, victims and good practices.
We are training professionals to enable them to identify potential victims of hate crimes, in order to increase their knowledge of hate crimes and to support networks for victims and resources for reporting. Indeed, in every country taking part into the partnership, the health institutions staffs receive no specific training on this subject. The experiences, information, conclusions and recommendations as well as the already detected gaps, point out that the staff of the health system should provide specific attention to victims of hate crimes. They should be better involved in their support and protection; improve or incorporate protocols when evidence of crime motivated by bias is detected; and enhance their communications with other social agents. That is why we organize interactive and participative seminaries with doctors, nurses, social workers and psychologist, as we believe in the “training by doing” method. Our training is also based on multimedia tools and resources and on sharing successful experiences, good practices and victims’ experiences. Students take part into our numerous training courses, since they are the professionals of tomorrow.
The design of training activities will be based on information, perceptions and data obtained during the Research stage of the project. There are 23 training courses planned, distributed among the four participant countries.
Information and registration for the trainings
Full national training programs and registration forms will be available on this section by December 2019.
The trainings are free but places are limited.
The earlier you register, the most likely you are to attend the training. To register, just fill the following form with your information: